Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices

Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices Unity Game developer with skills to develop for all devices
Delivery Time: Project Size Dependant
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions
Max Revisions: 2
License Type: Unlimited Access License

Want to get your game idea created into a playeable game?. Im the guy you are looking for.

I’ve worked in the game industry as a solo developer and with a game studio for almost 3 years, and i’m confindent enought to say that i can handle projects with a small to mid scope that require an A-Z devleopment, meaning that i know how to manage and mantain high sets of codes and systems working together.

I’m also very open to discuss the specifics of your game idea, maybe you don’t know how big your game idea is, that’s fine, we can discuss it and i can explain technical stuff, everything that will come in place to get your idea going, i’m very organized i don’t like leaving abstract things thrown into the ait, so you better be sure i’m gonna be communicating constantly aboutthe project, giving your updates, so you can see your idea being built slowly but surely

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